Wednesday, July 25, 2007

It's Wednesday and this is my first post. I'm building the conversation nest, so to speak. Things that shine and glisten are of particular interest. Baubles and beads would greatly enhance it. Some thread, perhaps? Rayon has a particularly fine sheen and while not as strong as poly, it sure is pretty. And of course what magpie would not welcome some fine silks. My, my! such glorious colours! Oh! and let's not forget the techniques to get this party started. So, come sit on the perch for a bit ...............


Lydia said...

Hi my early-bird friend, what are you up doing so very early in the morning, besides being talented, generous, good-looking, don't you realize that the early bird gets the worm? If you get up not so early you won't get eaten by the early bird. What have you done so far with all your tips and tricks you learned at Adele's wonderfuul workshop earlier this month. Love Ya!

Lydia said...

HI Cheryl, was I supposed to sign my commets? I wanted to be the very first one to put in my two-cents worth, so here is now my i.d. so you will know who loves ya so much

Lydia said...

Alright, because of haste, and all that waste, Did I not notice that my name was already there????Blind you seeeeee!!!

Anonymous said...

I've heard that a diet of too many glittery things can make a girl go crazy. What to do, what to do? I know, feather the nest with even more. To hell with all the predictions...