Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all and to all a good night...............


Or however you spell it! I found my marbles, put them together and voila, I am back! See what happens when you have too many errant email accounts!

My fine feathered friend, you must have flown south for the season?

Friend and fellow fibre artist's work will be on QA tv! go Donna!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

My password must have left the building with my creativity, but alas I have just located both of them! Side by side! or as some of our eastern neighbours may say, "side by each!" I see that babybird is keeping watch over the nest. This is a good thing

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Have you ever wondered where your creativity goes when it's not working for you? Has it "left the building, so to speak?" Has it moved on to someone else? Could it be that fickle? Is it on vacation? Where DOES it go? Or does it? Maybe it's playing hide and seek....................
It's Wednesday and this is my first post. I'm building the conversation nest, so to speak. Things that shine and glisten are of particular interest. Baubles and beads would greatly enhance it. Some thread, perhaps? Rayon has a particularly fine sheen and while not as strong as poly, it sure is pretty. And of course what magpie would not welcome some fine silks. My, my! such glorious colours! Oh! and let's not forget the techniques to get this party started. So, come sit on the perch for a bit ...............